Infaq Activities


There are a few infaq activities that we are doing from time to time, among others are:


1) Seeking / distributing knowledge: these activities are done in association with an institute, to teach teachers that are going out to teach the public at large.

2) Needy families: at the moment, we have a few families that are affected by the pandemic and since the Movement Control Order (MCO). One of the ways we are working with an association distributing ‘Infaq Box’ (containing some dry foods like rice, sauce, ketchup, sugar, salt, noodle, etc.)  to the needy families in Klang Valley.

3) Food for higher education institution (HEI) students: we identified a few higher education institutions in Klang Valley and working with their masjid/surau to provide lunch and/or dinner to students.

4) Assisting those who are in debts: we identified families and/or individuals with debts, especially credit cards. First, we ask them to destroy their credit cards. Second, we make them commit to be free from this debts for good. Then, we do not give them the money, instead we pay directly to their credit card providers.

On top of the above, we are open to other proposals and recommendations from all, and we hope more people will join us in these infaq activities. May Allah’s blessing and mercy be with each and everyone of us, aamiin..