The Creature from Jeckyll Island



A second look at the Federal Reserve.

Thick books can be intimidating. We tend to put off reading them until we have a suitably large block of time—which is to say, often they are never read. That is the reason a preview has been placed at the beginning and a summary at the end of each chapter. All of these together can be read in about one hour. Although they will not contain details nor documentation, they will cover the major points and will provide an overview of the complete story. The best way to read this book, therefore, is to begin with the previews of each section, followed by the chapter previews and summaries. Even if the reader is not in a hurry, this is still an excellent approach. A look at the map before the journey makes it easier to grapple with a topic such as this which spans so much history.



Thick books can be intimidating. We tend to put off reading them until we have a suitably large block of time—which is to say, often they are never read. That is the reason a preview has been placed at the beginning and a summary at the end of each chapter. All of these together can be read in about one hour. Although they will not contain details nor documentation, they will cover the major points and will provide an overview of the complete story. The best way to read this book, therefore, is to begin with the previews of each section, followed by the chapter previews and summaries. Even if the reader is not in a hurry, this is still an excellent approach. A look at the map before the journey makes it easier to grapple with a topic such as this which spans so much history.


Griffin presented his views on the U.S. money system and opposition to the Federal Reserve system in his 1993 movie and this 1994 book. In it, he presents his argument that the central banking system of the United States constitutes a banking cartel and an instrument of war and totalitarianism. The book was a business-topic bestseller, and influenced Ron Paul when he wrote a chapter on money and the Federal Reserve in his New York Times bestseller, The Revolution: A Manifesto.